Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Shuffling

Checking back in to my blog. It's like therapy, only cheaper. Who knew that the emotional equivalent of showering naked on a beach full of strangers would be so relieving. Even more so, because there are so many others in mental exposure that I might as well be invisible.

My brain is trying to come up with a meri manifesto. Not being inclined to such activity, it's taking it's sweet time. It's also hard to put in writing because then I can't con myself out of it. Very inconvenient, withal. So here goes nothing. I will write. I will draw, I will make music. I will dance when the music laughs at me, and sing when I can't hold the notes in anymore. I will swim in words until I drown in my thoughts at old age. I'll breathe. I may actually clean house. I will dispose of extranities that keep me from flying. I will say no. I will say, "NO MEANS NO!" I will eat cupcakes or pancakes at midnight. I will let myself relax. And I will eat chocolate. ;)

I don't know that it makes any difference to say these things. Perhaps if I look again tomorrow, it will motivate me. Perhaps if I look at it now, I'll write~

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