Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ice Cream and Hancock

I watched Hancock today. I enjoyed it, but experienced a deep desire to rewrite whole sections of it. I watched a little of the fireworks. I'd give the previous night's thunderstorm better reviews. I also spent 10 hours of overtime at work. I'm toasted. There seems to be a pattern developing here.


Twenty words for Ann:
chiffon, sleek, umber, pomegranate, leap, tweed, seek, sink, hesitate, precise, somber, sample, concise, yearn, lick, lucid, flash, red, grit, pulse.

aloft, chintz, motored, crisp, apple, blade, ride, organ, screen, circuit, perform, beaded, caramel, juice, truant, left, kite, score, scorn, select.

brocade, earth, hare, seed, hedge, slate, trump, turnip, plane, target, gar, dry, length, glory, rustic, raven, lock, fire, key, sledge.

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