Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Girl Friday

It's my Friday! I suppose I could cry if I wanted to, but life's too short. The ups man came while I was working today. He left my SSBB game in the caretaking of the complex's office. I shall perform recon tomorrow, on my Saturday-Thursday. I shall get it back! It's a good thing that time is illusionary, because shift work is destroying my understanding of it.


I've done it again. In a flash
tumbled in a booth and changed
into My Girl Friday. Defender of
the tasks of martyrdom and helpfulness.
A superpower of Can't say No!
Trouble is, they've skimped on
public service these days of late.
Not even lycra covers enough ass
in this half shelter. Gone are the
closed doors for quiet calls. I've got
everything hanging out. A passing
boy looks up being towed by his mom.
He's perplexed by my frantic notions. Excuse me,
my butt has fallen and can't get up.


avatar_of_cunning said...

I really envy your way with words. The last line made me snort, which garnered me suspicious looks from my co-workers. Never mind.

The only issue I have is that "these days of late" is a rather redundant measure of time.

meristele said...


Editing R Not Us! How embarrassing. Chalk one up for Roux's editing event.

Thank you. I really appreciate your feedback. And compliments. <3 It's funny, but your snort gives me more warm fuzzies than anything else. Please feel free to tell them it's all my fault.